Liturgical Press




Give Us This Day is an invitation to pray daily. Whether you have five minutes or a half hour, Give Us This Day supports your desire to pray with:

Give Us This Day is a monthly publication centered on the Word of God. Drawing inspiration from a multitude of voices, it provides a relevant and trustworthy understanding of Scripture.

Each issue includes:

Daily Prayer

Weekly Insights

Monthly Prayers and Inspiration

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About Us


The dedicated Give Us This Day publishing team is supported by Liturgical Press staff and renowned Editorial Advisors. The spiritual genius of the publication emerges from the combined God-given gifts of staff and advisors and hundreds of contributors—writers and artists who prompt us every day to pray and to ponder the Word of God.

Mary Stommes, Editor
Aelred Senna, OSB, Publisher
Cathy Donovan, Associate Publisher
Sr. Regina (Gina) Scaringella, OP Assistant Editor
Kendra Ohmann, Publishing Assistant
Susan Barber, OSB, Intercessions
Robert Ellsberg, “Blessed Among Us” author
James Martin, SJ, “Teach Us To Pray” author
Irene Nowell, OSB, Liturgical Editor

Editorial Advisors

Fr. James Martin, SJ
Kathleen Norris
Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo
Fr. James Martin, SJ

In addition to serving as an editorial advisor to Give Us This Day, James Martin writes the popular monthly “Teach Us to Pray” column. He is editor-at-large of America magazine and author of many books, including Jesus: A Pilgrimage, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, and a new collection of his columns from Give Us This Day entitled In All Seasons, For All Reasons.

Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo

Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo is former president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services. Prior to her time at CRS, Woo served as dean of the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. She and her husband, David Bartkus, are the parents of two grown sons.

Kathleen Norris

An editorial advisor and frequent contributor to Give Us This Day, Kathleen Norris is an award-winning poet, writer, and author of The New York Times best sellers The Cloister Walk; Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life; Dakota: A Spiritual Geography; and Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith. Norris is an oblate of Saint Benedict and regularly speaks to students, medical professionals, chaplains, and other groups.

Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB

A member of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, Kansas, Sr. Irene Nowell wears many Give Us This Day hats! She is an editorial advisor, the liturgical editor (selecting the Scripture texts for morning and evening prayer each month), and a frequent contributor. Sr. Irene is author of numerous books, most recently Wisdom: The Good Life and Pleading, Cursing, Praising: Conversing with God through the Psalms.

Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP

An editorial advisor and frequent contributor to Give Us This Day, Timothy Radcliffe is former master general of the Order of Preachers. He is the author of numerous books, including Stations of the Cross (with art by Martin Erspamer, OSB) and Take the Plunge: Living Baptism and Confirmation. In 2015 Pope Francis named Radcliffe a consultor to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

An editorial advisor and frequent contributor to Give Us This Day, Ronald Rolheiser is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. He is a community builder, lecturer, and writer. Rolheiser’s numerous award-winning books include Sacred Fire, The Holy Longing, and Against an Infinite Horizon, and his weekly syndicated column is carried by more than eighty newspapers worldwide.

Sr. Susan Barber, OSB

A member of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, Kansas, Sr. Susan Barber composes the daily intercessions in Give Us This Day. One of her community’s organists, Sr. Susan holds a master of arts degree in music from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and studied organ with Phillip Kloeckner at the University of Chicago. She also teaches piano and organ lessons at Benedictine College in Atchison.

Robert Ellsberg

Publisher of Orbis Books, Robert Ellsberg writes the popular “Blessed Among Us” feature in Give Us This Day. Ellsberg is author of numerous books, including Blessed Among Us: Day by Day with Saintly Witnesses and The Saints’ Guide to Happiness. He is editor of The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day, Modern Spiritual Masters: Writings on Contemplation and Compassion, and many other books.

Fr. James Martin, SJ

In addition to serving as an editorial advisor to Give Us This Day, James Martin writes the popular monthly “Teach Us to Pray” column. He is editor-at-large of America magazine and author of many books, including Jesus: A Pilgrimage, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, and a new collection of his columns from Give Us This Day entitled In All Seasons, For All Reasons.

Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB

A member of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, Kansas, Sr. Irene Nowell wears many Give Us This Day hats! She is an editorial advisor, the liturgical editor (selecting the Scripture texts for morning and evening prayer each month), and a frequent contributor. Sr. Irene is author of numerous books, most recently Wisdom: The Good Life and Pleading, Cursing, Praising: Conversing with God through the Psalms.

Sr. Regina (Gina) Scaringella, OP

A Sister of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, New Jersey, Sr. Regina (Gina) Scaringella, OP, has been assistant editor of Give Us This Day since January 2022. She works remotely from New Jersey, with occasional visits to Collegeville. Before entering religious life, Sr. Gina was a medical editor and a teacher of foreign languages.

Mary Stommes

An oblate of St. Benedict, Mary Stommes is editor of Give Us This Day and appears frequently in the roster of writers. Prior to the founding of Give Us This Day in 2010, she was managing editor of Liturgical Press’s book division. Mary and her husband, Elmer, are the parents of four adult children and also the grandparents of five.

Cathy Donovan

Cathy Donovan joined Liturgical Press as associate publisher of Give Us This Day in 2012. She spent over 25 years in parish ministry before joining Liturgical Press.

Br. Aelred Senna, OSB

A monk of Saint John’s Abbey, Br. Aelred Senna, OSB, is publisher for Give Us This Day. His pre-monastery background is in marketing, educational publishing, and curriculum development.

Kendra Ohmann, Publishing Assistant
Kendra Ohmann

Kendra Ohmann joined Liturgical Press as publishing assistant for Give Us This Day in 2019. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in English, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree. She has a varied background, and has held positions as a newspaper reporter, radio producer, sales expert, and account specialist.

In These Times and Always:
In Support of Fr. James Martin

Hundreds of Contributors

A great cloud of witnesses feeds the imagination and the spiritual life in the pages of Give Us This Day. Writers and artists from every age, these contributors are lay, religious, and ordained, women and men, single and married. In this cloud you will find mystics and monastics, immigrants and descendants of immigrants, people of all walks of life. Living writers and artists, including many new voices, bring our contemporary world shoulder-to-shoulder with the great voices of our long tradition.

This month’s contributors


Anchored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Liturgical Press publishes inspiring content for all who seek to deepen their faith and transform their lives. Give Us This Day supports that mission by serving individuals and communities throughout the United States and around the world.

Founded in 1926 by the Benedictine monks of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, Liturgical Press is committed to spreading the Good News through publications in theology, spirituality, monastic wisdom, liturgy, prayer, preaching, and music. To learn more, visit Liturgical Press.


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